Fairy tail.

From fairest creatures we desire increase, that thereby beauty's rose might never die

Lucy Heartfilia

But as the riper should by time decease, his tender heir might bear his memory

Wendy Marvell

A sky dragon slayer is angelic

Natsu Dragneel

Within thine own bud buriest thy content and, tender churl, makest waste in niggarding

Erza Scarlet

Making a famine where abundance lies, thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel

Juvia Lockser

Shy woman but creepy if she is angry

Gray Fullbaster

Ice magicians are cold-hearted, but he will go berserk if his friend if disturbed

Gajeel Redfox

Knight and brave iron man

Laxus Dreyar

Lightning man who is fast and invincible

Exceed Team

Magic cats, known as Exceed, have feelings and traits like humans

Archive for Oktober 2020

English poetry vs Indonesia poetry

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2020
Posted by Bang Rey
Poetry is a literary work written in beautiful language which contains thoughts and feelings.
1. Genres of English Poetry A. Sonnet Sonnet is a literary form that has appeared in the Italian city of Firenza since the mid-13th century. Sonnet comes from the word Soneto, which is a revision of the word Sono, which is marked. In short, his description of the sonnet is voiced poetry. Example When I consider how my light is spent, Ere half my days in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent To serve therewith my Maker, and present My true account, lest He returning chide; “Doth God exact day-labor, light denied?” I fondly ask. But Patience, to prevent That murmur, soon replies, “God doth not need Either man’s work or His own gifts. Who best Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best. His state Is kingly: thousands at His bidding speed, And post o’er land and ocean without rest; They also serve who only stand and wait.” (“When I Consider How My Light is Spent” by John Milton, 1600) B. Haiku Poetry Haiku is a short poem consisting of 17 syllables. It is written in three lines in a 5-7-5 syllable pattern, and it must contain these two things: Kigo, and Kireji. Although written in 3 lines, haiku in principle consists of 2 parts that are aligned. Example night train whistles stars over a nation under mad temporal czars round lumps of cells grow up to love porridge later become The Supremes lady I lost my subway token we must part it's faster by air C. Free Verse Poems Free verse, meaning it has no predetermined structure and no fixed length. Since there is no rhyme scheme and no metric pattern defined, there are no specific rules for line breaks or stanza divisions. Example This institution, perhaps one should say enterprise out of respect for which one says one need not change one's mind about a thing one has believed in, requiring public promises of one's intention to fulfil a private obligation: I wonder what Adam and Eve think of it by this time, this fire-gilt steel alive with goldenness; ("This is Marriage" by Marianne Moore) D. Cinquain Cinquain is a five-line poem, which comes from the word Cinq (in French), which means five. Each line has a different function. The first line is used as a title and consists of 1 word. The 2nd line consists of 2 words which can describe the nature of the title. Example Love built a stately house, where Fortune came, And spinning fancies, she was heard to say That her fine cobwebs did support the frame, Whereas they were supported by the same; But Wisdom quickly swept them all away. ("The World" by George Herbert) E. Epic Poetry Epic Poetry is poetry which contains stories of heroism, both heroics related to legends, beliefs and history. Example By the shore of Gitchie Gumee, By the shining Big-Sea-Water, At the doorway of his wigwam, In the pleasant Summer morning, Hiawatha stood and waited. ("The Song of Hiawatha" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) F. Ballad Poetry The Ballad of Poetry is a simple poem that tells a folk tale that is sad when it comes to discussion. Ballads about poetry that tell the story of human life and study through thoughts and feelings that have the essence of universal culture and are not connected by a specific space and time. However, ballad poetry is often based on a legend or a folk tale. These poems may take the form of songs, or they may contain a moral or a lesson. Example He did not wear his scarlet coat, For blood and wine are red, And blood and wine were on his hands When they found him with the dead, The poor dead woman whom he loved, And murdered in her bed. He walked amongst the Trial Men In a suit of shabby grey; A cricket cap was on his head, And his step seemed light and gay; But I never saw a man who looked So wistfully at the day. I never saw a man who looked With such a wistful eye Upon that little tent of blue Which prisoners call the sky, And at every drifting cloud that went With sails of silver by. ("The Ballad of Reading Gaol" by Oscar Wilde) G. Acrostic Poetry Acrostic is originally from Greek, Akrostichis. The meaning is: The rhymes with the initial letters of each line arrange a word or sentence vertically from top to bottom. Acrostic poetry usually talks about what makes up the letters that make up a sentence at the beginning of a line. Example Alexis seems quite shy and somewhat frail, Leaning, like a tree averse to light, Evasively away from her delight. X-rays, though, reveal a sylvan sprite, Intense as a bright bird behind her veil, Singing to the moon throughout the night. ("Alexis" by Nicholas Gordon) 2. Genres of Indonesia Poetry In Indonesian poetry is divided into two parts. Namely old poetry and new poetry. A. Old Poetry 1). Mantra is sayings that are considered to have supernatural powers. Example Jampi Dukun Betawi* Suara adzan dibisikkan ke telinga si bayi Bismillah… Mate jangan seliat-liatnye Kuping jangan sedenger-dengernye Lidah jangan sengomo-ngomongnye. Mulut jangan semakan-makannye. Muke jangan semerengut-merengutnya. Bibir jangan sedower-dowernye. Purut jangan sebuncit-buncitnye. Jidat jangan selicin-licinnye. Pale jangan sebotak botaknye. Tangan jangan sepegang-pegangnye. Kaki jangan sejalan-jalannye. Kulit jangan sebuduk-buduknye. InsyaAllah… Wabarakallah… Nangis jangan sejadi-jadinye Marah jangan sengamuk-ngamuknye Otak jangan selupe-lupenye. Hati jangan sekosong-kosongnye. Darah jangan sekotor-kotornye. Puah! Alhamdulillah 2). Karmina is like rhymes but short. Example Burung gelatik terbang ke awan Orang cantik itu dermawan 3). Seloka is related rhymes Example (1) Ke pasar mencari sayur Beli bayam cukup seikat Niat menjadi manusia jujur Kepercayaan mudah didapat (2) Beli bayam cukup seikat Masak jangan pakai merica Kepercayaan mudah didapat Ketika berkata hindari dusta (3) Masak jangan pakai merica Merica tumbuh tiada di taman Ketika berkata hindari dusta Pikir tenang jiwa pun nyaman 4). Gurindam is the poem that stands for each verse of 2 lines, rhymes a-a-a-a, contains advice. Example Jikalau engkau sudah mempelajari kitab Maka haruslah kamu menaati adab 5). Syair is poetry originating from Arabic with the characteristics of each stanza 4 lines, rhymes a-a-a-a, containing advice or stories. Example Berpikirlah secara sehat Berucap tentang taubat dan solawat Berkarya dalam hidup dan manfaat Berprasangka yang baik dan tepat Rajin-rajinlah beribadat Janganlah lupa mengerjakan solat Dan perbanyaklah engkau berzakat Untuk bekal nanti di akhirat Janganlah engkau berbuat maksiat Janganlah engkau berbuat jahat Segeralah engkau bertaubat Agar selamat dunia akhirat Janganlah engkau bertakabur Perbanyaklah engkau bertapakur Mendapatkan nikmat wajib bersyukur Agar selamat berasal dari siksa kubur Ayat-ayat suci yang senantiasa ku ucapkan Solat lima sementara kulaksanakan Dzikir-dzikir senantiasa ku lantunkan Ibadah kepadamu tuhan Bertaubatlah setelah berbuat salah Karena kita makhluk yang lemah Bantu saya dan tuntunlah Untuk meraih surgamu yang indah Dunia ini sebenarnya tua Sebaiknya jangan untuk huru hara Ibadahlah memohon ampun kepada-Nya Sesungguhnya cuma engkau yang sempurna Mari kita seluruh sahabat Perbanyak lah membaca sholawat Seksa kubur seluruh lewat Menuju ke alam akhirat Jauh sudah akku melangkah Mengejar dunia dengan serakah Semakin kukejar semakin jauh Pada jurang siksa hati berlabuh Lelah diri mmengikuti syahwat Jalani hidup semakin berat Jiwa semakinn tak terawat Hatipun rusak berkarat Kini kuinginn kembali Kepada-Mu wahai Rabbul Izzati Agar tentram selalu menaungi Untuk sisa hidupku ini Di pintu rahmat-Mu aku berdiri Mengharap rahmat serta kasih Meski bergelimang debu dosa Berharap kepadaMu senantiasa 6). Talibun is a poetry which consists of 6, 8, or 10 lines each. Example Di kala mendung mulai menyapa Rintik hujan mulai bersiap Pelangi pun telah menyemburat Jika hendak beroleh surga Buat amal soleh padat merayap Tinggalkan semua hal maksiat B. New Poetry 1). Ballads are poems with stories Example Kampung Halaman Aku melihat hamparan ladang dan gunung-gunung Warna hijau nya daun padi pun terlihat seperti batu alam Aku mencoba berjalan di atas tanah naik Untuk menikmati keindahan wajah Anda Ada sebuah pertanyaan di benak saya Apakah wajah mu masih kah bercahaya? Polusi, erosi mulai beraksi dan bergerak Mengganggu keindahan rahmat ilahi Itu sama sekali tidak akan pernah menggoyahkan Matahari mulai bergeser dan saya akan tinggal di sini juga Nikmati alam di sekitar Karunia terpuji Yang Maha Kuasa Wahai sifat desaku, pertahankan 2).Hymns are idolatrous poems for God, homeland, or heroes. Example Adaku Tiada¹ Karya: Candra Malik Allah, aku kesepian. Dalam sendiriku, yang ada Engkau saja, Di mana aku, tak perlu lagi ditanya. Di mana Engkau, tak usah lagi dijawab Sepiku Sendiri-Mu, Sepi-Mu sendiriku. Allah, aku sunyi. Dalam diamku, tiada ucapan selain Nama-Mu. Tak ada yang sentuh heningku, jangkau Sepi-Mu. Aku dalam selaput Rahasia Dikau. Allah, aku sedih. Dalam pedihku, perpisahan kuratapi. Dalam perihku, perjumpaan kudambai. Duka ini abadi, luka ini semakin jadi. Kurindu rindu-Mu, kucinta Cinta-Mu. Allah, aku binasa. Daku tiada ada selain sirna. Diriku lenyap, Diri-Mu senyap. Musnah sudah segala wajah. Maha Agung Engkau Paduka, Zat Yang Awal Kekal Ada. 3). Ode is a poem of flattery for the meritorious. Example Generasi Sekarang Karya: Asmara Hadi Generasi Sekarang Di atas puncak gunung fantasi Berdiri aku, dan dari sana Mandang ke bawah, ke tempat berjuang Generasi sekarang di panjang masa Menciptakan kemegahan baru Pantoen keindahan Indonesia Yang jadi kenang-kenangan Pada zaman dalam dunia 4). Epigrams are poems that contain life guidance / teachings. Example Hak Oposisi Karya: WS Rendra Aku bilang tidak, aku bilang ya, menurut nuraniku. Kamu tidak bisa mengganti nuraniku dengan peraturan. Adakah tugasmu untuk membuktikan bahwa kebjikasanaanmu pantas mendapat dukungan. Tapi dukungan — tidak bisa kamu paksakan. Adalah tugasmu untuk menyusun peraturan yang sesuai dengan hati nurani kami. Kamu memasang telinga — selalu, untuk mendengar nurani kami. Sebab itu, kamu membutuhkan oposisi. Oposisi adalah jendela bagi kamu. Oposisi adalah jendela bagi kami. Tanpa oposisi: sumpek. Tanpa oposisi: kamu akan terasing dari kami Tanpa oposisi: akan kamu dapati gambaran palsu tentang dirimu. 5). Romance is a poem that contains overflowing feelings of love. Example Surat Cinta Karya: WS Rendra Kutulis surat cinta ini kala hujan gerimis bagai bunyi rambut mainan anak-anak peri dunia yang gaib. Dan angin mendesah mengeluh dan mendesah. Wahai, Dik Narti, aku cinta kepadamu! Kutulis surat ini kala langit menangis dan dua ekor belibis bercinta-cintaan dalam kolam bagai dua anak nakal jenaka dan manis mengibaskan ekor serta menggetarkan bulu-bulunya. Wahai, Dik Narti, kupinang kau menjadi istiku! 6). Elegi is a poem that contains lamentation / sadness. Example Sia-Sia Karya: Chairil Anwar Penghabisan kali itu kau datang Membawa kembang berkarang Mawar merah dan melati putih Darah dan suci Kau tebarkan depanku Serta pandang yang memastikan: untukmu Lalu kita sama termangu Saling bertanya: apakah ini? Cinta? Kita berdua tak mengerti Ah! Hatiku yang tak mau memberi Mampus kau dikoyak-koyak sepi. Sehari kita bersama. Tak gampir-menghampiri. 7). Satire is poetry that contains satire / criticism. Example Kaya Raya Pejabat kita kaya raya Lihat saja mewah mobilnya Isi dompet tebal sekali Bagaimana tak Sejahtera Atas Nama Rakyat Indonesia Pejabat kita meminta minta Utang ke berbagai negara Tapi dimakan oleh mereka. Reference www.wikipedia.com